Monday, April 18, 2011

It Takes A Village...

When W.A. came into our lives, I was (excuse my language here) scared shitless.

My husband and I moved away from both of our families almost a decade ago.  We had no friends with children here initially, because we were still living the "parentless" life.  You know, vacations on a whim filled with good wine, good food, lazy evenings with lots of uninterrupted adult conversations....think Cape May, N.J. with $75 bottles of wine, $82 lobster tails (okay just once, but we paid that, and it was gooood).  We could stay out until wee hours of the morning and we could sleep in until ten if we wanted.

But I digress...becoming a parent has its own, more spectacular pleasures and rewards.  Back to the point...

We did find friends with children eventually and we quickly fit into the role of parents.  My ultimate saving grace though was October 2010 when a new family moved into our neighborhood...right next door.

Photo by Edwige

W.A. has a best buddy and they are exactly 4 months and 5 days apart.  They attended each other's birthday celebrations and have taken several field trips together.  His buddy also happens to have parents our age and interests in common.  His name is Liam.  When Liam hears W.A. through the open windows on a nice day he shouts, "William William William".  When W.A. hears Liam from the back porch across the fence he points excitedly and exclaims, "Liam Liam Liam."

When I say, "We are going to Liam's", he raises his little arms and screams, "Yaaaaaaaaaay!".

It couldn't be more perfect...especially when Liam's mom and I trade supervision duties once or twice a week!  We get to grocery shop minus screaming toddlers.  We can take a nap, clean the house, bake a cake, do laundry, plant flowers, etc.  Those two quiet hours are priceless.  Our husbands are off to work most of the week so they can't help much with a much needed break.

And the boys love it.  I am so thankful for my neighbors and the beautiful friendship our boys are developing.  Its truly amazing watching them when they get along so well...

...oh and the fresh baked breads, French lessons (yes, my baby is bilingual already!), crepes, and good old girlfriend-to-girlfriend conversations don't hurt either!


W.A.'s Momma

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