Friday, April 1, 2011


I love April!  April has April Fools Day (I love a good prank), Easter (My late grandmother's favorite holiday) and it just so happens that I will be turning 34 this month.

First of all, my husband got me good when he came home from work last night.  It was just after midnight when he got into bed.  I was still awake with some anxiety related pain (more on this later) and he says, "you know what, I'll get up with little man in the morning and you can sleep in."  Wow.  I was so elated since I have been having some sleepless nights lately.  I replied with excitement, "really?".  Yeah, that was met with:

"April Fools!"

My Kentucky Gentleman is a real stinker.  I think he deserves his car to be moved down the street while he is sleeping tonight.

Anyway, since I realized I am turning 34, a few things started to turn over in my head: my father and grandfather had massive coronary heart attacks in their mid-thirties.  My youngest sister has some slight blockage at 27 years old.  I am starting to worry about my health.  I quit smoking a while ago, started eating right and have lost a total of about 30 pounds.  Still I started to worry.  On top of that,  I have a close family member who is going through a sad life changing event, my kid is still not eating alot and for all of those reasons I have started to suffer some major anxiety.  My jaw has been tight for days and I started having chest pains...

I'm fine.  I had an EKG yesterday and some bloodwork and I am continuing my healthy eating and rigorous exercise.  But I am trying to do more Yoga and massages to get this anxiety and tension under control.  Since I quit smoking I have no idea how to deal with stress of this magnitude.

Luckily, I have Dr. Ken and he is keeping a close eye on me due to my family history.  Any ideas on how to relax?  I was thinking I'll just spend more fun time with my favorite guys and less time on stressful thoughts that I cant change.

Happy April everyone!  And Happy Birthday to all my April buddies: Megan, Bailor, Mike, Aunt Butchie and Grammy Nancy!  And 9if I forgot anyone, happy birthday to you!


W.A.'s Momma

1 comment:

  1. No joke, the thought crossed my mind just this week that God gave you William because maybe you didn't need anybody to pass along your family medical history! I will be praying praying for you and your anxiety. I have it, too, and God put John Barrows in my life to help with that...honest. You know how laid back he is! God has blessed you with such a great husband to help you combat your stress. If Kevin were any less stressed, he'd be cardboard! :) I love you and cannot wait to see you! Happy early birthday! (sadly on your birthday I have to return to work after Spring Break...but as of today, I'm OFF!) xoxoxo
