Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Viva La France, and I dont give a Crepe...

One useless piece of trivia about me is that I love everything French.  I don't mean just french-kissing and french-fries (I never was down with that whole "freedom fries" crap) although those are both very nice.

I love the French food, the French people, the French culture, the French language, French lands, anything Francophone, honey! 

I went to France for 3 weeks with my sisters in July/August 2000.  It totally changed my life and I cannot wait to go back!  We stayed in a guest house on a family estate with people our own age so it was not one of those touristy trips.  It was an in-your-face-French everything.  IT WAS AWESOME!

We wanted to name our sailboat L'Autre Femme, which translates to "the other woman" (it was my husand's boat) but no one could pronounce it correctly, so we went with Ma' Jolie, which is still French (and means, "my pretty" or something like that).

Once, my friend Jenn and I celebrated Bastille Day, yelling "Viva La France" and downing red, white and blue shooters, layered to look like the French flag of course!

Anyway, let me get to the real reason for my post.  I have a new neighbor who, wait for it, IS FRENCH!  And she (Edwige) made me some real crepes.  Not the store bought ones, but honest to goodness crepes!  So Edwige is my new best friend and I tried my hand at crepe-making yesterday.  Wich is the real topic of this post.

I looked for a basic crepe batter which I found online at and it follows:

1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup flour
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 Tbsp melted butter
pinch of salt

Mix altogether and let set at room temperature for 30 minutes.  Make sure you have a crepe pan or an iron skillet.  I have a Lodge iron skillet.  It's flat with no sides and it works the best. 
The real skill is in getting the crepes to look like circles.  Here is my first crepe:

Not too pretty, but let me tell you it was DELICIOUS!!  I'll get better with practice, but I think I will ask Edwige for a little lesson in crepe making. 

For crepe toppings you would traditionally use butter and sugar according to Edwige.  However, I am a fan of slathering Nutella all over the thing!  You can use fruits as well.


W.A.'s Mere


  1. Be right over. I'll bring my own nutella and strawberries.

  2. Come one, girl. We'll have us a crepe party and get a lesson together.
