Friday, February 25, 2011

Cleaning out...

There are two types of items I have a ton of: books and picture frames.  Ive decided less is more.  Last year, my Kentucky Gentleman and I removed six boxes of books from our house.  This is what I decided to get rid of today:

I like to read...alot.  So does my sweet husband, we just do not have room for all of these books in a 1900 square foot house.  Did I mention the books I am keeping fill up one bookshelf in a guest bedroom, and then there is this one in our living room:

 Yeah, its way too much.  We've decided to get a Kindle, and hopefully our local library will be happy with our latest donation...

W.A.'s Momma

P.S. if you are looking for a book, let me know the title.  It might be in my "donate" pile!


  1. I know books are sometimes hard to part with!!! We had to do the same thing when Jett was born but really we haven't missed them.

    Do you have any Pat Conroy stuff?

  2. WE did have Conroy but it must have been in last year's donations. I do have at least 3 copies of Gone With The Wind though, hahaha.
