Thursday, October 7, 2010

Raising a Gentleman

Just some thoughts I had tonight...

I want to raise a gentleman.

I want my son to know the importance of saying "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am".  I want him to be chivalrous and hold doors, and help ladies across the street.  And although I don't expect him to be handing out monogrammed handkercheifs to every lady (young or old) in distress, I expect him to be compassionate, empathetic, and noble.  I expect him to be a good man.

I expect him to support his spouse emotionally, physically, financially, and lovingly.  I expect him to raise his children.  I expect him to earn a living.  I expect him to eat right, exercise, work hard, and educate himself.  But most of all, I want him to know the value and benefits of serving his fellow man.

I am thankful I have a husband who puts these practices into physicality everyday.  I am glad I have brothers (in-law) that have manners.  I am confident that my male friends can encourage the good habits I will teach.

I am thankful that my full time job is to be W.A.'s Mommy.  I promise to be diligent in teaching kindness when raising the next generation of men.


W.A.'s Momma

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