Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My Kentucky Gentleman and I are fans of Joel Osteen.  I am not a huge fan of so called "Mega Churches" typically, only because I feel you lose "fellowship" once you get too large.  But anyhow, we love listening to Joel Osteen's messages every Sunday morning. 

This past Sunday, he talked about not casting off people who you feel don't live up to your expectations or standards.  He said you should not push away those who "don't fit into your box".  These people could be God bringing you an important message, an important relationship, etc.

For some reason, I clearly listened to what he had to say.  I am so guilty of this.  I've had friends in the past that I decreased activities with  because they became "needy", or "nutty" or one of our most used words was "psycho".  I realized on Sunday, I was judging these people.  I asked myself, "Why are you judging them?" and the answer, I knew immediately.  I was judging my friends and acquaintances for things I did not like about myself.  Ive prayed numerous times for God to take away this judgemental side of me far away.  I don't like it in my head and I certainly don't care for it to be in my heart.  God loves all of his children, even me.  I have faults, flaws, sin....I am not perfect, so who am I to judge?  Am I so much greater than God that I can criticize his handiwork?  That struck me deep inside when I thought about it that way.  I was an idiot and I was acting like a jerk when I judged others.

I am trying harder everyday to (as my friend Erika would say): "Worry about yourself."  I want to be a  better friend.  I'm praying God can help me with this.  I want my son to be proud of me.  So...

If you see/hear me judging others: CALL ME OUT!!


W.A.'s Momma

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It's human nature to judge others but it's the conviction in our heart that keeps us from listening.
