Irritated. |
Five minutes later, happy as a clam. |
You Know You're Mom to a Boy When...
By: W.A.'s Momma
1) You scream "Get down from there or you'll break you're neck" at least twelve times daily.
2) You find one of your high heels in the washing machine/dishwasher.
3) You step on a matchbox car at least twice daily (this hurts).
4) You find boogers on every surface below your knee.
5) You say "Stop wiping your nose with the front of your Tshirt" thrice daily.
6) Your wake up call is a) a slap to your face with the remote for your TV or, b) that damn matchbox car or c) a smelly foot in your face.
7) You hear a fart followed by hysterical laughter.
8) You constantly reprimand your son for trying to ride the family dog like a pony.
9) You no longer wear those high heels you find in your appliances because it's hard to run around and play ball in those.
10) You find sandwiches in your printer's paper tray and DVD/CD drives.
11) You have to monitor the toilet so he won't play in the water and then drink it (yes, this happened just this morning. Ew.).
12) You are exhausted by (their) nap time!
Happy Mothers Day, Ladies! Give all your precious boys a kiss from me!
And a very special Happy Mother's Day to my momma! Thanks for being such a fun and wonderful Oma to all your grandboys!
Me and my mom, circa 1982. Don't you love the hair on both of us? |
W.A.'s Momma
P.S. The pink blanket in the first 2 pictures was mine when I was a baby (made by my maternal grandmother) and it's my most treasured item I own, along with my paternal grandmother's pearls.
I think you should do your hair like that again. Also, I like thfcolor of your bedroom wall... What is it called?