He looks at me for guidance and I say..."you're okay. you're the sweetest little guy I know." And I give him the fattest kiss and tightest hug I can manage fo his pee wee size body.
Kids just do not share at this age. Manners are not at the forefronts of their little minds. One thing I know about my kid is that he isnt high strung or high stress because he shrugs off these little things. He knows better. He has that look in his eye that says, "I'll pick my battles." and "Dont sweat the small stuff". At least I hope that is what he is thinking.
In the meantime, I'll reassure him he is choosing the right battles and not sweating the small stuff when another child pushes past him or takes his toy. My Kentucky Gentleman and I will show him enough sharing, love, and kindness to teach him the basics. He's been a perfect gentleman in my eyes. He lets the girls go down the slide first, he looks people in the eye, and he will shake your hand if you're new to him. So, I am succeeding at my job at raising my southern gentleman. And he has a wonderful Daddy!
W.A.'S Momma
So sweet and yes, I am sure you are doing a great job :) I wish mine were more laid back. We're working on shrugging off the small stuff too.