Friday, October 1, 2010

OCTOBER: Breast Cancer Awareness

*This one is for my Aunt Mary...(we love and miss you like nobody's business, W.A. would have loved loved loved you)!

In honor of October, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, W.A.'s Momma went to get a mammogram!

Yes!  I am only 33 years old, but I thought, "what the heck, I'm gonna show all you people that if I can do it, you can do it".  I have a very low pain threshold, but I did it anyway.  My insurance covers one annually for no charge.  It turns out, it was a good idea to get one at 33.  According to Nurse Sherri (and my sister in law) you should get a baseline mammogram at around 35 years of age.  Even earlier if you have a mother/sister/grandmother diagnosed with the disease.  Your risks also increase with age if you have not gone through childbirth.

I called the number my insurance company provided me on September 30th, AND got an appointment the FOLLOWING MORNING at 8:15am!  The Medical Imaging Center at Lees Hill was less than 4 miles from my house.  Sherri and Shirley were taking great care of me and giving me loads of information.  Most people won't get mammograms because of the cost (a topic for another time).  And others, because they think it hurts.  I am here to say: IT DOES NOT HURT AND IT WAS FAST!  Maybe a little uncomfortable for a few seconds.  According to Sherri, 7 people from that office alone were diagnosed with breast cancer LAST WEEK.  Sherri was passionate about her job, I could tell right away.  She said, "If you put 10 people in a room, 3 of them will have it, early detection is key".  I asked her about self checks, she recommends performing them once a month, around the same time every month, but not during your menstrual period.  Sherri and Shirley were so patient with my questions and very excited to help me on my quest for knowledge!  I'll be giving them rave reviews when my survey comes in.  And the results, my doctor will get in a week.  I'll keep you posted!

My Aunt Mary was the only one in my family diagnosed with breast cancer, and we are not aunt-niece by blood, only by marriage.  Still, I'll be getting them regularly.
Learn more at, or

Let's nip this cancer in the boob, er, bud!


W.A.'s Momma

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